Friday, May 1, 2020

JamieM - a passel of Wild West buildings

Bit of an odd one for me today, some Wild West buildings (is a passel a thing?). Cowboys are right up there with ninjas and pirates as cool toys to play with, but I hadn’t played any meaningful games with the few cowboys that I have for years. Looking at my stuff at the start of lockdown, I discovered that amongst the embarrassingly large number of scenery pieces I hadn’t painted, I had quite a few Wild West type buildings, so I decided they would be one of the first jobs to do.

All 28mm in scale and all from TTCombat.  Almost all picked up as part of job lots they occasionally do to clear space in their offices as far as I can tell.

The Wild West buildings that I have are mostly brightly coloured to add some Zing to the Wild West, so these are a mix of bright and woodstain (with odd planks picked out to add interest)

The Hotel was one of the pieces I treated myself to as a care package for lockdown as I've long admired it and just never gotten around to treating myself to it.

I bought the extension to the Sheriff's office to give myself a jail, which is rather nice and the two cells could be useful for adventures.

The other random building is a crypt entrance, which I found myself painting too and will be useful in a number of other game genres I think.

Quite a packed town now, so big it needs a Fire Hall, big hotel and Hatmakers, so I really should try to get some use out of the Dead Man's Hand and Fistful of Lead rules that I own.


  1. Hi really like this post as just found some abandoned 28mm gunfighters to possibly paint up. What rules do you use for skirmishes?

    1. The “fistful of lead” series is brilliant for multiplayer mayhem and dead mans hand is great for two player - I can heartily recommend both

  2. Yep looks like thars gonna be a shoot out. Great western town pilgrim.

  3. Fantastic looking scenery, it should be a lot of fun to play skirmish games with.

  4. Great wild west town, love the Hotel 👍

  5. Lovely looking wild west town!
    Best Iain

  6. I simply love the colours Jamie!

  7. Great work Jamie. Awesome progress overall on getting all this terrain done!

  8. Wild West?! Wow, I didn't know you were collecting this period. Nonetheless, they look excellent. I love that hotel - I've jumped from that second floor balcony a few times in a few of DaveD's 'Serenity' games.

    1. Less actively collecting and more finding that I’ve somehow picked up quite a few pieces and so might as well buy a few more to get it ready..... not the first time this has happened to me!

  9. Great western town, I like the hotel and the water tower!
