Monday, April 5, 2021

From Kyle C - Giant of Festerthorne

Hey, so first post up after the other challenge, and I suspect based on where I sit in the vaccine list, I might be able to get in a fair amount of posts here depending on how much I paint! 

So just at the tail end of the last comp, I had begun this happy chappy for my Undead forces. Again another 3d Printed piece, this time coming from a small Brazilian company called Loot Studios which produce great files for use in DnD campaigns. 

However I highjacked their '75mm' figure version of the Ogre and turned him into an impressive Giant instead! I say 75mm in quotes as he is more closer to 120mm tall.. really towering over his undead cohorts as they march into war! A proper giant size for a game in 28mm models... 

He was a lot of fun to paint up, and I really tried to take on board some of my old teachings from classes past taken to make him stand out a bit more. 

His bright skin for instance being a direct contrast to the blue/white glow that the skeletons all have. 

The other aspect I went with is also to provide him with some tattoo work.. though being a giant, I was not sure on how or what those might look like. I mean.. he has enough real estate for some pretty epic tattoos.. But I am not really that great at freehand still, so I went with more faded black out tattoos instead. 

I have received some comments that, barring details, they do have The Rock kinda feel to them considering his muscles and the placement of them all. 

But I really just wanted something to help break up all the large sections of skin and this worked well in my opinion here. 

What some might not see, but I know sadly, is that this was actually a misprinted giant! His back tabard/skirt thing was supposed to be much lower, but for some reason stopped printing right there. Not a bad stop though so easy to work with instead of reprinting the legs, again... 

I still need to paint up some more units, and have been bouncing between projects still ( look.. squirrel! ) so I don't know how much of it will get done before the first game. But for now I have a large core, some decent heroes, and now a giant! I should be able to hold my own somewhat if a game were to break out with UK's lockdown coming to an reduced level next week. 

Currently I am now painting up some Corpse Grinders for the Nova Charity army that will represent Khorne Cultists. So a bit of conversions before they got some paint. So will post those up when they all get finished. 

Onwards to less Quarantines and more Vaccines! 


  1. Very impressive giant, awesome job. The tattoos are a very original idea!

    1. Thanks, I just needed something to break up the models skin as it was just soo much!

  2. Oh man, what an amazing brute! Fabulous work Kyle. I love the quasi sumo/yakuza tattoos. A BIG addition to your army!

    1. A very big addition indeed! I had half thought about going into more details on those tattoos, but then was like.. um no.. that might drive me bonkers!

  3. Fee Fie Fo Fum, that’s a big ‘un.

    1. That he be.. and hopefully does well when on the table!

  4. Replies
    1. He scales up nicely compared to the normal RnF models around him.. will really stand out on the table!

  5. This is a totally impressive miniature with a cracking paint job!

    1. Am really liking the printing of such projects as they are really coming out great!
