Monday, April 19, 2021

From SanderS: I blame Curt and Sidney! and some Germans (50points)


 2021 just keeps on giving... While I thought I was able to get some more painting done, here I am correcting papers again. 

In the few moments of spare time I have managed to finish 10 WW2 Late War Germans that I had started already but wasn't able to finish during the Challenge proper. The Stalingrad Collectors edition box from Warlord games that I am painting as a commission, has sooooo many plastic Germans that I promissed my employer Martijn, that I'd paint him a squad of late war troops for use in his store demo-games. 

The fun part for me was getting to try out the Valhallan Blizzard snow effect from Games Workshop. Now and then they actually get something useful done and this is some awesome stuff indeed! It is so easy to use and gets a really good and rather realistic effect of snow on the bases. I am going to try the snow on some of my SW Legion Snowtroopers next, when grading permits.The pictures are rather dark due to a lack of light over here and with artificial light on they were too over-exposed even for photoshop to get right.

In the catergory "Other News": a round of calling 3 different Public Health Services during 2,5 hours of my day off last week, I found out that I MIGHT get a summons to be shot, eeeehh get a shot somewhere in May. So it's possible I get the summons in May but probably later and the actual shot will be set even further away because I was set up to get Astra Zenica, which due to the Trombose thingy is now on-hold for people under 60 years of age, lucky me. That means I will be here a while longer which is great since there's two gentlemen from the Challenge that have gotten me in trouble. 

First up is our beloved Snowlord Curt; I asked him what glue he used to stick metal figures to clear acrylic bases without getting the haze on them due to the super glue fogging over. Greenstuffworld says he, the result may be guessed:

And than there's mister Roundwood who has done such an awesome job of creating the Laarden Project. I read Arthur his posts and the Lad has now persuaded me to visit Laarden in the future so quite a lot of orders have gone out. One of those was to Colonel Bill's shop and has arrived over here by the time of writing.

There's a lot of prepped figures left over from the Challenge and I will get as many of those done during the coming weeks but first I have to get all the papers graded so I am off!

Cheers Sander



  1. Isn't Greenstuff World awesome! I get lost in their catalogue all the time. 'Just one thing' so easily turns into ten!

    Great work on these figures Sander! Your Heer looks like they are in the midst of a night ambush. :) Is this Martijn that same as 'our' Martijn from the Challenge?

    Have fun with your Laarden adventures!

    1. Hoi Curt, nah it's a different Martijn! But yeah Green stuff world has some ace stuff indeed!

  2. Great work Sander. I blame Curt for a lot too!

    1. We could start a therapy group then Snowlord victims anonymous...

  3. Lovely looking Germans, good look with the grading.

  4. Some very good looking Germans, Sander! Well done and success with the new projects!

  5. Blaming Curt is a fine tradtion! Very nice.

    1. Cheers Greg so I gather, perhaps we really should start a therapy group!
