Sunday, March 29, 2020

From BenitoM: The Old Hag

First entry to the Quarantine Challenge, another character for Infamy! Infamy!: The Old Hag.

"An old Hag is a retinue member who may join a Barbarian Warlord. Some say she has magical
powers. Some say she has visions of the future. What is certain is that she smells of piss and
inspires the men to great fervour. Adding the Old Hag to your retinue makes your Leader and
Inspirational Leader. She is placed with the overall Barbarian Commander and operates with him
throughout the game."

I also painted a small shrine where my Barabarian troops could do their offerings in blood to their ancient gods. This could well serve as a deployment point or an objective in any game.

The model and the horse head are part of the Foundry "Germanic Woman" series, metal in 28mm. Excellent sculpting an detail a usual in this range.

Stay safe, stay at home


  1. Love that horse head shrine, although the horse looks rather too happy!

  2. I like the old crow (and the bird on her staff is good, too) and the nicest horse's head I've seen today.

  3. Nicely done Benito, reminds me of my old Art teacher 😂

    1. Poor lady, surely she treated you loviongly

    2. She was a lovely lady, as mad as a box of frogs, encouraged the artist in me 👍

  4. Gimme that ol' time religion!
    Splendid work, Benito!

  5. Lovely work on this Hag, Benito. She kinda reminds me of my boss, except this hag is rather trim and has a friend (the lifted skull is pretty spot-on though...). Carrying the work corollary, I'd be that horse's head.

    1. I'd have figured you'd be the horse's backside...

    2. True, but pretty hard to get on a pike though...

    3. Is that what happens when you offend the Suebian Mafia?

  6. An awesome entry, though make sure not to stand downwind of her.

  7. Both are very good, can't decide which one is most gruesome ...

  8. Lovely looking first salvo! Splendid hag and head on a stick!
    Best Iain

  9. Creepy stuff Benito! Excellent work.
