Thursday, April 16, 2020

From SimonG: HYW Terrain and Civilians

My first stab at making terrain. Concerned about storage but wanting something that looks good I decided to go for the Sally 4th Terra-Formers modular system. This can work out as pretty expensive (at least £10 per piece completed) and time consuming but I think so far the results look good. I've done two pieces -- a cottage enclosed by a wattle fence and a medium sized hill. Unfortunately I've now run out of raw materials (paint and filler) so I'm not sure I can work on any more but ultimately there will be 30 of these 12" square pieces allowing for a variety of table layouts. I've also scaled things like the fence so that they work for 15mm as well as I'm inclined to give this size a try in a future project. On order are trees so I can do a forest with a pull out centre to allow a unit to be located in the forest.

The cottage is a simple Tabletop Workshop plastic kit -- odd how I can do fine detail work on a 28mm figure but working on a house it all goes sloppy! The fence is simply cocktail sticks interwoven with strips of thick paper then coated in PVA and roughly painted -- a little time consuming but looks pretty good I think. Only trick is supergluing at start and end and making the strips as long as you can so as to avoid need for double posts at the ends.

The farmer and his wife and children are Wargames Foundry/Perry and came out nicely. The other bases that predate the AHQC are mostly Front Rank, with a stand of Perry pavisiers and a modified Perry Jehanne (modified to hold a standard which was home printed from this source)

Next up is a baggage train with a mix of Front Rank and WGF/Perry.


  1. Great stuff Simon. The terrain’s turning out beautifully. Love that hovel!

    1. Hovel! It's got windows with bars and a separate space for the pig, it's a palace!

      Seriously thanks for the comments, just wish I knew where I could get some more paint and filler :-) I've also been forced to switch to Army Painter paints (which I wanted to try anyways) as all the GW stuff seems to be out of stock

  2. Lovely looking homestead! Nice looking peasants too! If your in the UK you could try screwfix, they do filler and they used to do emulsion paint and deliver and I think toolstation do the same, probably someone else will do it online and deliver.
    Best Iain

  3. Nice work. Love the cottage and fencing

  4. Nice looking boards. Lovely cottage/hovel/olde farmhouse.

  5. RAy, Iain, Peter and Scooba thanks for all the kind feedback and yes I will look into Screwfix and see if I can get some materials to keep it up. Luckily it seems I’ve found a ready supply of miniature paints so the main work can continue uninterrupted

  6. Wonderful looking terrain modules, but thirty of them?! Whew! You certainly have your work cut out for you, but it will look amazing when it's all done.

  7. Great terrain, though a daunting project. I'm not sure what kind of, and how much, filler you need, but Amazon (UK) have wood filler (which I use for basing figures).

  8. Nice post ! Saved the banner link post to read later - thanks for sharing!

  9. I discovered that you can by emulsion paint concentrate which is certainly a lot easier to ship and store so that's on the way along with a large box of filler powder, again helps with the shipping and storing so it seems my terrain production line can continue. As 75% of the tiles are plain field or field and path/road it should be pretty quick once it's going -- my only difficulty will be the stream tiles -- simulating water will be a new fun challenge.

    Anyway again thanks for the kind comments and great feedback. I have a church to place as well which will be surrounded by dry stone walls - my understanding is that the way of making them is to build them like the real thing, but with scale stones so I'll see how many my yard can provide :-)

  10. Scenery and terrain is always worth doing and this stuff will have loads of use I’m sure.

  11. Fantastic job on the terrain and minis.

  12. Those Sally 4th bits are pretty good.

    1. Thanks Barks, they work well if you take care and follow the instructions especially about orienting the magnets that link the separate units together

  13. Very nice entry, figures are great but I really love the terrain!
