Monday, May 11, 2020

From Barks: Grimdark tractors

These accompany my supply dump. I struggle painting vehicles, but these were somewhat fast to get the basics done with a yellow rattle-can spray (AP Daemonic Yellow) and a homemade wash of craft paint and detergent. I then sponged on some brown rust, and I'm pretty happy with the results. There's a lot of grimdark details that took me a bit of time to get done- it is very easy to fall into a rabbithole of decreasing returns with painting all the details.

Crane rotates on its trailer

The Claw!

I added a bit more brown and a little water before sloshing on liberally.

Skull-o-meter™: 11


  1. Great looking gothic erector set, Barks, and a nice wash recipe to boot. I'd like to use these in Titanicus as HUGE construction machines. Well done!

    1. I’d like to see some Titanicus terrain!

  2. These are great fun. Cat should offer some the upgrades.

  3. Splendid looking construction kit and good to know skulls extend even to Bob the builders kit in the grimdark 40k!
    Best Iain

    1. You can stick them on any blank surface!

  4. Great work Barks, love the claw! And good to see the skullometer at work

  5. Excellent stuff, great colours and just the right amount of detail!
