Thursday, May 7, 2020

KenR 28mm Kingdom of Jerusalem Foot Knights

The last of the Foot are done now for my Kingdom of Jerusalem force, this little lot are Foot Knights and are once again from Fireforge Games, this time their Templar Infantry plastic set.

Colours are the same as I have used for my other units in this force, aided greatly by decals from Battle Flag. Basing is 6 figs on a 60 x 50 base and it was a bit of a challenge getting the figs on the bases with the large cloaks that some of the figures in the front rank are wearing.

I've used some of the decals on the rear of the cloaks as well.

I've got a couple of mounted units which will have the same theme and I will start on those soon.

I think the poses in this set are a lot better than the Sergeants set and I quite like the variety I have managed to get in arm positions which gives the unit a more realistic feel. I quite like the faces on the figures, they have really grown on me and my style of painting cam make them quite expressive.

I've got some Irregular Miniatures WW1 Cavalry as a test on the paint table at the moment so will be reporting on those next.

Another 121 points taking me to 965, pushing for the thousand !


  1. Wonderful mob of knights, Ken. Man, they must have just cooked in that armour...

    1. I know, in a time without body deodorant as well, you probably didn't need reconnaissance just a good nose.

  2. Very nice knights Ken, really like the blue and white combination. How about some opposition?

    1. Many thanks Peter, I was working on some a while ago and have 4 Cavalry and a couple of Foot Units in the pipeline but one of our regulars acquired a big Muslim force so the urgency for that is less. What we are short of is non Military Order Crusaders so that's the line of attack at the mo 👍

  3. They look fabulous! The colour scheme works really well, the cloth is very well painted (the surcoats and the cloaks) and the faces are excellent!

    1. Many thanks, I am really happy how the faces turned out 👍

  4. Absolutely splendid unit Ken! You just gotta love Fireforge!

    1. Cheers Mike, Fireforge are definitely a grower 👍

  5. Great unit - especially love the guys in the cloaks .....

  6. So, so cool Ken!!! Great work!!!
    So those are decals?

  7. Splendid looking Crusaders! Cloaks and shields are ace!
    Best Iain

  8. Really nice colours and great shields!
