Saturday, June 20, 2020

From Barks: 40K ruined statues

I did these four ruined statues together, with some cultists for scale. The marble effect is GW Contrast Apothecary White over a white undercoat, then Army Painter Soft Tone into the crevices, and finally a thinned AP Uniform Grey to create subtle veins across any big bland areas in particular. I'm pretty happy with it.

This is my first time with Contrast and it was- OK, I guess. It is offensively expensive, extrapolating out to well over $A600/ L. I feel I could have thinned down some paint and got the same effect.

Skull-o-meter™: 13

I'm going to try and squeeze in one more post later.


  1. Those terrain pieces look great, well done.

  2. Pretty impressive ruins. Really like the marbling effect.

  3. Noice! I'm going to have to try your recipe for some future statuary. It looks ace!

  4. Fabulous looking statues! Lovely finish!

  5. Love the contast effect, very atmospheric pieces!
