So, a Challenge after a Challenge. I'm usually quite exhausted after the annual Challenge or at least when the summer really starts. My good start of the year slows down until I again pick up some speed later in the year. Hopefully with this another Challenge, I can keep up running a bit later.
I work in software development industry and we work in an agile
ish way. Prioritizing is important, making lists and starting from the highest priority. The same applies nicely to the miniature hobby, so I made some lists for myself.
U - Unfinished miniatures. Until couple of years ago, I was quite strict on myself, if I started a miniature or a group of miniatures, I'll finish them before I start painting the next one. That included the primed miniatures. Over the last couple of years, the pile has grown. Items from the U list are these, finishing unfinished miniatures. Suitable for this Challenge, since we are not calculating points (well, yeah).
N - Necessary miniatures. These are the miniatures, that I really need for my next games. This is not that important at the moment, for obvious reasons.
R - Reinforcement miniatures. Army has been started, but not all the purchased miniatures are painted. This is related to N list, but it is a bit different. For example my WH40K Imperial Guard army belongs here, I have never played a game with them and I have not planned one yet. Same applies the Mentor Legion and all the Oldhammer miniatures.
F - Fresh miniatures. Trying to keep the miniature count down, I hope to paint the newly purchased miniatures. Why buy them, if not to paint? The cupboard is full of unpainted miniatures, so just for painting purposes there really is no need to buy anything new.
W - Wacky idea miniatures. Just some crazy idea, that I need to do. Like Sarah's Hot Air Balloon Pumping Station. This usually needs some modelling as well.
S - Space saving miniatures. One way to punish myself is to keep the bought miniatures in their original boxes or packages until I paint them. Kind of a management thing to control buying, if there is no room, why buy it? Sometimes these boxes are quite big compared to what they have inside, especially once assembled. So open a big box, assemble and paint the miniature and you have a whole in your storage. Of course the newly painted miniature needs to be stored somewhere, but it is a different story and a different storage. Actually I don't throw away old boxes, I might use them for storing some other miniatures. Or just keep them, since they are really nice and old. Or at least I cut the front picture away and keep it, so I can remember what I have purchased.
So, with these 6 lists I try to keep myself focused on the important aspects of the miniature painting. In all of the (weekly) posts, I try to list which lists I'm using, some miniatures might fit more than one list. I try to visit the Challenge Island locations as well, but using all kind of travelling possibilities, so not necessarily following the roads. This might cause distractions on the Six Lists, or it might help, I don't know.
Here we go, some unfinished miniatures from the past. The big dragon thing was started last summer and was even used in one campaign while not fully painted, shame on me. I actually bought it as assembled, which made it a bit difficult to paint. Not the dragon, but the rider, Dreadlord called Rinos Wildbringer, used in my Age of Sigmar Anvilgard army, using the rules from the Cities of Sigmar. I'm also using this in our current campaign (5 players, but only 1 play in total before the cancellation of everything). So this one is from U and N lists.
Magic horns on the helmet, I hope to find a magic item to match it... |
These two Endless Spells were started during the Challenge, but I wasn't able to finish them. I had problems with the "magic effect", since I wanted lava base. All the colors, blue, green and purple, which are usually used as magic, didn't seem right. Then I thought about the magical fire and it was perfect. The cogs look better than the swords (I need to learn their names and rules).
I'm also counting the points for myself, just for fun and statistics, even though I have no training, experience nor knowledge of minioning and no access, superpowers, cats or kittens for any spreadsheets...
U: 3 (total 3)
N: 1 (total 1)
2x5 points for the spells (they were started during a Challenge so I count them as whole)
5 bonus points for the Dreadlord on the Black Dragon (painted mostly outside of Challenges, so just giving 5 bonus points for the big thing).
15 points total