Saturday, April 4, 2020

From BenitoM: Gallic Chariot for Infamy!

Second entry in the Quarantine Challenge: the first of four chariots of a Celtic Briton Chariot unit for "Infamy! Infamy!".

In these rules, chariots do not act as "shock" units but rather as "taxi cabs" to bring elite noble units into battle. This enables a quick deployment in the battlefield, but also facilitates withdrawing to recover if the unit accumulates excessive shock.

A Chariot unit comprises 3 chariots plus also a mounted leader. This particular model is a pretty old (late 80s or early 90s)25 mm metal Wargames Foundry Celtic Chariot, that has gone through the process of paint removal and repaint, as the rest of my army.

I had two of those old chariots, so I recenltly acquired two additional chariot models from a more modern design (and size) that currently are queuing in my painting tray to be completed.


  1. Gorgeous chariot, your steaming ahead in the duel!
    Best Iain

  2. Wonderful work on that chariot Benito!

  3. That's a nice ride you got there. Cool!

  4. Brilliant work on this woad battle taxi. :)

  5. That's a cool looking chariot Benito!


  6. Nice looking taxi, beats an uber any day of the week.

  7. great chariot coming to carry us home! Oh sorry got carried away there... Lovely set of wheels mate!
