Sunday, May 31, 2020

From DrQ: a Dwarf and a Tortle

Sorry for the late posting for the week. My city has been interesting the past few days—nothing like riots on top of a pandemic!

In any case, two small offerings for this week. First up, the Reaper Bones version of Pathfinder's iconic ranger, Harsk:

This is one of the first generation Bones minis, so the detail isn't nearly as crisp as it is with the later formulae. Still, he painted up alright.

Second is a kit-bashed tortle merchant I made from bits from Super Dungeon Explore and a Reaper Bones. The tortle is from the Caverns of Roxor box, and the pack is off of the Dreadmere Tortoise. The banner is a 3x5 card that has been hardened with super glue.

My plan is to use this little guy as a traveling merchant NPC in a future D&D game. My hope is that a tortle with a few high-power spells will be beefy enough so that a murder hobo party doesn't just kill him and grab his wares. 

Stay safe!


  1. Wonderful figures DrQ. So colourful and creative. Love the Tortle.

  2. Great stuff Dr Q. The turtle (autocorrect doesn’t take an “o” for me) rocks

  3. Lovely looking dwarf and turtle!
    Best Iain

  4. That turtle is just brilliant, I have no idea what I would use one for but I wants one đź‘Ť

  5. More fantastic minis, with a fair touch of whimsy. The Tortle is a really nice conversion.

  6. What a nice and quirky figure this is! Great stuff!
